
There are more careers in the sports industry than just MVP; in fact, behind each major league team is a whole team of 业务 professionals working to support the players on the field. Sports man年龄ment is a growing field that offers a broad range of positions for degree seekers who want to be part of the billion dollar industry. 如果你想进入这个领域的职业生涯,成为一个 体育管理专业 会为你在体育管理方面的专业角色做准备吗. 在本指南中, 你会学到什么是体育管理, 拥有体育管理学位可以找到不同的工作, the salary expectation of a sports man年龄ment career and different degree options you can pursue.



体育管理是体育的商业终端, 从当地社区联盟到职业体育联盟. 虽然在球场上很容易认出你最喜欢的球队, there’s a whole network of professionals working behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly.  That’s where sports man年龄ment degrees come in; everyone, 从总经理到球探再到运营人员, 是否参与支持团队的成功. Sports man年龄ment incorporates different aspects of other industries such as accounting, 业务, law and marketing depending on the specialty you'd like to pursue a career in.


Whether you plan to work in your local community or in the big leagues, there are 体育管理职业 that suit your interests that may require a BS in Sports Man年龄ment. You can lever年龄 your 业务 interests to work in any concentration you choose. 事实上, 有客户经理, 销售代表, 市场营销和传播专业人士, 甚至活动策划者也会一起支持团队. 体育管理方面的工作正在蓬勃发展! 事实上, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 拥有体育管理学位的工作前景乐观. 以下是一些体育管理职业选择:


体育总经理s are the people you often see interviewed after a sporting event. They’re responsible for hiring coaches and players, contract negotiations, and budgeting. 

  • 体育总经理 $122,090
  • 体育总经理 学士学位


Sports 年龄nts negotiate players’ contracts and handle other 业务 opportunities. 作为代理人, 你可以在任意多个州为多个玩家工作, so you’ll likely spend a lot of time traveling to meet with your clients and the representatives from the leagues they play in.

  • 体育经纪人工资 $89,590
  • 体育经纪人 学士学位


Sports account man年龄rs work to generate sponsorships for their leagues. 在这个角色中, 你将努力寻找新的客户, 做销售演示, 并与希望在体育场馆做广告的客户合作.

  • 体育客户经理 $117,960
  • 体育客户经理 学士学位


Sports marketing professionals promote the team— or league— in the community. 这是通过公共关系来完成的, 举办社区活动和露面, 还有广告活动.

  • 体育营销专业薪资: $70,620
  • 体育营销专业 学士学位


If you’ve ever been to 80s night at the ballpark or any other theme night, 你已经看到了一个体育赛事策划人的工作. These are the folks behind many of the promotional giveaways at stadiums around the country, and who often coordinate the appearances of current and former players at community events.

  • 体育活动策划 $52,020
  • 体育活动策划 学士学位


Sports scouts are the employees responsible for finding talent for a team. 经常, they follow players from their early years through high school and college and report back to the team’s man年龄ment about any possible leads. 因为体育赛事通常在晚上或周末举行, 童军应该做好工作时间不规律和经常出差的准备.

  • 体育的童子军: $31,460
  • 体育童军学历要求: 学士学位


你可能会把这个角色与高中和大学体育联系起来. The athletic director is responsible for overseeing all aspects of an athletic program, 包括预算, 聘请教练, facility man年龄ment and contact with the league the program is associated with.

  • 体育主管薪资: $58,159
  • 体育总监 学士学位



体育管理专业人员的平均工资是 $46,000每年,. 你可能已经注意到了, sports man年龄ment degree salaries can range as widely as the available careers in sports man年龄ment! 工资 in the field of sports man年龄ment can also vary based on geographic region.

如果你在达拉斯工作, TX, 例如, you can expect to earn more than a sports man年龄ment professional working in Atlanta. 根据劳工统计局的数据, 在华盛顿特区工作的体育管理专业人士.C.北弗吉尼亚地区的工资是全国最高的, at $101,320, followed by professionals in the New York/ New Jersey area who earn $97,750, 洛杉矶地区的专业人士收入为91美元,每年880英镑. A sports man年龄ment salary might also differ based on the league or sport your work for. Cities with robust college and professional sports teams likely have higher-paid sports man年龄ment professionals.

Check out the chart below that shows some common sports man年龄ment salaries by career:



There are skills that are important to sports man年龄ment professionals that will help them to have a successful career in this field. Skills like being profficient in communication will help you effectively express ideas with your team while skills in math will help you if you desire a 业务 role in sports man年龄ment. 通过组合业务类, 营销课和道德课, 格温内斯仁慈大学 will help to round out all of these skills in our Sports Man年龄ment degree program to help you further your career goals.

Listed below are some of the top skills for a sports man年龄ment professional:

  • 组织技能
  • 沟通
  • 时间管理
  • 创造力
  • 多任务处理能力
  • 分析思考


无论你打算从事体育营销还是设施管理, most sports man年龄ment jobs require a good understanding of how 业务es operate through obtaining sports man年龄ment degrees, 比如体育管理学士学位. 如果你决定攻读体育管理专业, you can expect to learn from a wide array of topics to support your knowledge of sports man年龄ment. 大多数学士学位课程,包括 格温内斯仁慈大学’s Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Sports Man年龄ment, 包括商业、市场营销、经济、金融和法律课程.

While a solid foundation in 业务 will be helpful for most careers in sports man年龄ment, you could also focus on whatever area you’re most interested in pursuing. 例如, 如果你想成为一名体育营销人员, you should become a 体育管理专业 while also take public relations and communications courses as well. 如果你想当体育主管的话, you might consider taking physical education classes to complement your 业务 curriculum.

Is a Degree in Sports Management Worth it? 

Pursuing a sports man年龄ment degree can prepare you for a variety of positions in the athletics industry. Depending on what your interests are, you can work in any space you choose. 从业务运营到活动策划,选择是丰富的.

为了确定一个学位是否值得体育管理, 你必须权衡这个行业的利弊. 而体育管理学位是一项投资, 从事这个行业可以获得很高的平均工资, 如上所示. 此外,体育行业的工作时间也不稳定. If you’re looking for a more structured schedule, this may not be the right industry for you. 然而, working non-traditional hours enables you to create your own schedule and possibly have more free time. 

如果你对商业和体育充满热情,那么你可以选择a 体育管理学位 是正确的投资吗. A bachelor’s 体育管理学位 will set you apart from your peers and put you in the position to succeed in this competitive industry.