Online School Counseling Certification Program (PreK-12)

Help Students Grow, Mature, and Define Their Futures

作为我们认可的学校辅导员,为青少年的成长和发展做出贡献, 在线学校辅导认证准备计划硕士学位持有人. 这个美国学校辅导员协会(ASCA)国家模式一致的项目以灵活的形式呈现了一个全面的课程.


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The GMercyU Difference

该计划涵盖了在学术领域支持学生的咨询技术, career, and social/emotional development across all age groups. It encourages you to develop a reflective practitioner's mindset, 在这个过程中,你要不断评估自己的表现,追求持续的专业发展. 你将成为学校教育从业者社区的一员, collaborating with families and other educators in your efforts to help students. 有了GMercyU,你可以准备好把你的技能带给最需要的学生和学校.

您将使用业界领先的交互式协作工具在线完成硕士后课程. 课程以加速形式呈现,你将在七周的时间内一次上一节课.

You'll also complete 510 hours of in-person field experiences, all with support and personal guidance from our expert faculty members.

After completing your school counseling certification program, you’ll have the skills, knowledge, 和实用的咨询策略,你需要追求认证作为一个小学和中学辅导员(PreK-12)在宾夕法尼亚州.



*Certification: 该计划旨在满足宾夕法尼亚州联邦的认证要求. If you reside in a different state, you should carefully review your home state’s certification requirements prior to enrolling in this program.

在线学校咨询认证计划为您在PreK-12设置中支持儿童和青少年做好准备. 我们严格的课程挑战你提高你的专业演讲和沟通技巧,同时成为流利的研究评估方法,你需要追求毕业后自主的专业发展.

As a GMercyU graduate, you will be able to:

  • Apply theoretical and practical knowledge in support of your professional practice
  • Articulate school counseling history and theory
  • Develop a comprehensive school counselor curriculum
  • 认识到人类发展的各个阶段,并确定在不同发展阶段工作的最佳做法
  • Apply career development models and guide career development
  • 展示知识和使用以证据为基础的干预和评估技术,这些技术在满足学生的发展需求方面是适当和有效的
  • Provide consultation and assistance to all students, their families, school personnel and related agencies

After completing this program, 你需要通过职前学业表现评估(PAPA)和实践II专业学校辅导员考试才有资格获得认证.

Between 2018 and 2020, our graduates had a 100% pass rate on the school counseling certification test. 

GMercyU faculty members bring direct school counseling experience, research backgrounds, and a passion for teaching to your certification program. 你的同学来自各种各样的专业背景,但都有一个共同的奉献精神,以提高学生的福祉. 这个社区提供的指导和见解的结合将帮助您有效地创建一个安全, productive counseling environment for all of your students.

After you complete your program, you can connect to our extensive network of alumni. 

To qualify for admission to our Post-Master's School Counseling Certification Program, you must provide:

  • 证明你已经从认可的学院或大学获得硕士学位,最低GPA为3.0
  • Official transcripts from every college or university attended
  • A completed application form
  • A current professional resume
  • 说明你的专业和学术目标的写作样本(一页纸,双倍行距)
  • Two completed supervisory reference forms
  • A minimum score of 550 (written), 213 (computer), or 79 (internet) on the TOEFL examination if English is not your native language



Call 844-707-9064 or email to contact an admissions counselor. You also can also request more information today!

Grant Opportunity

Dear School Counseling Practicum and Internship Students,

你现在是宾夕法尼亚州的居民吗?你在宾夕法尼亚州的一个学区实习吗, intermediate unit, area career and technical school, charter school, regional charter school, or cyber charter school? 你是否同意在完成你的硕士课程后,在宾夕法尼亚州的地方教育机构(LEA)担任至少三年的学校咨询师?

如果是这样,我们想让您了解我们最近了解的一个赠款计划,称为PA帮助. 这项资助为实习学生提供了获得学校咨询实习补偿的机会,条件是同意在PA的LEA工作三年.

To be considered for the grant, 你实习所在地区的人力资源部门或地区办事处必须填写并执行一份PA帮助实习人员申请和协议,并向PHEAA提供一份LEA与你就读的教育专家准备项目学校(格温内德梅茜大学)之间的实习协议副本, in your case).

Here is the grant website so you can read about eligibility and benefits. 

我们想强调的是,申请窗口将一直开放到8月31日, 2024 or until funds are exhausted. Awarding is a first-come, first- served basis upon receipt of the application. If you are interested in participating, 请向您的现场主管寻求帮助,以确定您所在地区的合适人员,以代表您填写和提交申请. The website has a link to the application.

我们大学在资助项目或申请过程中没有任何作用,除了网站上的信息之外,没有其他信息. 所有与奖助金计划有关的问题都必须发送到计划网站上的电子邮件. We are unfortunately unable to answer any questions you may have: